
운영자 | 기사입력 2014/12/23 [08:22]
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운영자   기사입력  2014/12/23 [08:22]



Choosing a Bitcoin Wallet:
A bitcoin wallet holds your bitcoins and can reside on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone or
even on the web.  We do not recommend web wallets due to security concerns.  One of the better
sites for explaining the different wallets and why you should or should not choose one over another
can be found here:‐your‐wallet
You need to download your wallet, install it and let it sync with the bitcoin network.  This can take
several hours or even several days to sync depending on the wallet you choose.
Selecting Your Mining Software:
The Monarch ONLY supports BFGMiner version 4.6.x at this time. CGMiner will announce support on
their website.
If you are using a Mac operating system, the Monarch card does not support Mac at this time. Check
the following websites for future announcements on support of the Monarch:
You will need to configure BFGMiner to run and point your hashing power to your pool.  
Selecting your Mining Pool:
When bitcoin started in 2009, people mined bitcoin alone, or commonly referred to as solo
mining.  As the number of miners increased on the network, solo mining became much more
difficult and it is rarely done today.  It can be compared to the lottery: if you mine alone you have
one ticket, but the chance to win it all. If you don’t “win” or successfully mine a block, you get no

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기사입력: 2014/12/23 [08:22]  최종편집: ⓒ iwav